A watery void existed called Earth. God took it, and He decided to do something good with it other than turn it into a demon prison, which was the result of His perfect law... He lifted land up, pushed waters aside, crafted creatures and plant life, set a world into motion and decided to make a little gem in a sea of stars and giant planets that, according to research, continuously output a melodious noise through electromagnetic vibrations, a song to Him.
He then went and took some of the dust and made humans to love and be with Him, going so far as to breathe life into them, bestowing them with the spirit. He left them imperfect, likely due to being a jealous God who didn't want or need another perfect being in existence... this imperfection ultimately would clash with His perfect law, but He Himself would eventually go on to break that curse through a perfect sacrifice, a beloved Part of Himself, to annul our infinite imperfections. Considerate and loving, though, He did not force Himself upon us; He gave us the option to choose to be with Him, or be apart, and respects our free will, even if He does know the path we will eventually choose.
We are a blessed creation with a loving God who has paved our way to be with Him as His children, given individual personalities, purposes, talents and futures, simply asked to help give people the option to choose Him.
Never be so ignorant as to forget who you are, and why you're here.